Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is blood red?

I love Lat the cartoonist. He is a true Malaysian. His cartoons show the common people playing, working and leaving together in harmony. We can be Malay, Chinese, Indian or lain-lain but when it comes to a common cause, our race doesn't matter.

My husband and I never taught our children about race. I remember, when my daughter (at the age of 5) was asked, what race she is, she said, "English" because she spoke English. She didn't know what race her friends were because she never saw what colour they are. They are her friends.

I believe it is the parents' responsibility to make our children colour blind. I have friends of all races and nationality. We laugh together and sometimes cry together. We may dress differently and are from different religious back ground but we are citizens of earth. We are here for a short time. Do we live in peace or do we cause chaos, a legacy we leave our children? All because we cannot look pass a person's colour.

Every one I speak to says the same thing, "I don't have a problem with Chinese or Malays or Indians." If this is what the common people are saying, why are some saying we have a racial problem?

Is blood red? Yes it sure is. Every human being has red blood.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

English or Bahasa Malaysia or English

Aiyah! Don't they yet know it is not the language? It's the teachers that needs fixing, not changing the medium of language the subject is being taught.

How are our children supposed to get used to any language if they keep changing their minds because something is not working out? Don't change the system, better it. Find out the root problem and deal with it.

How can they compare us to Japan or Korea? The population in both of these countries comprise of one race. We are of mix races and languages. Ah Tan speaks Mandarin at home, Mahmud speaks Malay, Doud speaks Kadazan, Margaret speaks English, Nooi speaks Cantonese, Raja speaks Tamil and the list goes on.

My children can be taught in Bahasa, Mandarin or English. At the end of the day, they have to take their exams in English to receive their diploma or degree.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


World wide web, cool................ information at your finger tips. I do my research without having to go to the library. I shop without leaving my home and I touch bases with my friends, all with a click of a button YET how scary it is to know that my children are in danger of being defiled by PORNOGRAPHY.

I was told recently that a family, father, mother, sons and daughters will watch pornography together without a second thought. It's like watching a movie, they said. No problem.

Call me old fashion, call me a prude but I wouldn't even watch pornography in private, let alone, watch it with my kids. What is the world telling us? "It's ok lady, everyone's doing it!" Should we tell the "everyone" to jump off a bridge?

Do you know that a large majority of people from all walks of life and ages are addicted to pornography? Some started watching out of curiosity realizing too late that they can't stop and some just do it because everyone's watching it so "I don't want to be left out".

Remember Ted Bundy? He killed his victims and had sex with the corpse. Before his execution, he wanted to warn people of the danger of pornography. He spoke to Dr. James Dobson so that his story can be documented and shared with the world. Ted Bundy suffered from Necrophilia due to his early encounter with pornography.

Folks, we can all say, "It will not happen to me or my children" but how sure are we? Do we really know what our kids do? Computers are so easily accessible. We allow our kids to have it in their rooms. How sure are we, they do not search the net out of curiosity? If you know of any one who needs help, please call 03-5630 0217, 013-352 3501 or visit